
Insurance Arrangement Procedure


We are committed to the practice of responsible corporate behavior and to complying with all laws, regulations and other requirements which govern the conduct of our operations. 

We will ensure compliance with all aspects of the MLC 2006 Convention, including but not limited to Standard A1.4 para 5(c)(vi) pertaining to Insurance Arrangements. 

As per the Convention, Cruise Academy Ltd is considered to be operating as an 'Employment Agency'. Consequently, we will maintain a system of protection to:

  • compensate those seafarers placed by us, for monetary loss that may occur as a result of the shipowner's failure to meet their obligations contained in the Seafarer Employment Agreement (SEA). 
  • cover any liabilities that may arise within two months of the seafarer being placed with the shipowner during the seafarers first contract; and
  • cover any liabilities or arrears that may arise and accrue over a two-month period, from the date of occurrence within those two months. 


If you require assistance in relation to the aforementioned matters, please contact us via:

  •  +44 (0) 333 772 6246, or 
  • complete the contact form with as much detail as possible.